My youngest daughter will be four on Sunday.
She was a very fussy baby. Not easy at all. Didn't sleep through the night until she was almost six months old. And even then, it was a battle. A battle she almost won. It was a foreshadowing of her fiercely independent streak she still has today. If she doesn't want to do something, she doesn't. End of story. Kind of. She has a very stubborn Mom.
On the other hand, there is no one more affectionate. She is always good for a hug, a kiss, or an "I love you Mom." Melts my heart on a daily basis.
Where her big sister is beautiful, Paige Elizabeth is C.U.T.E. Just stinkin' adorable. Some days, it's almost too much to take.
I thought that she wouldn't talk for a long time, because she was the little sister...I thought she would just sit back and let her talkative big sister, Emily, do all the talking. So wrong. She doesn't quite have the vocabulary yet, but she's is trying her best to stay in the conversation. And if you don't quite understand what she's saying....yeah, she's not to happy about that. Miscommunication is quite the frustration for her.
Her favorite thing to do is whatever her big sister is doing. Other than that, she loves stuffed animals, dolls that have many different outfits, and coloring. She is also a bit obsessed with the Nintendo DS lately.
She is ready for school to start. Ready to grow up.Some days she is four going on ten. She is my little girl. My baby. My baby who is almost four.
Happy 4th Birthday sweet Paige.