It's been a total crap beginning of spring around here. Cold, cold, and more cold. I must have known that it would be total crap because about a month ago I asked my Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Eddie - who live in Tennessee - if we could go and visit them during Emily's Spring Break. I knew we would need to go south and get warm. So we did. We were only there for a few days, but it was enough to remind of what we will EVENTUALLY have coming up here in the frozen - not really - tundra.
We spent our first full day there in Cades Cove. It has been quite a few years since I have been there, but it hasn't - thankfully - changed a bit. The tree below is one of my favorites. I am going to have to go on a hunt and find the photograph I took of it years ago.
Oh, and we brought my Mom along with us. She hadn't yet seen her brother and sister-in-law's new place, and I thought it would be a good break from the cold for her as well. Unfortunately, she was a bit under the weather the whole trip, but she still had a nice time - and was quite the trooper.
SPRING!!!!!! Oh, how I have missed you.....see you soon!!!
I had to include the following two pictures. Eric, my Uncle and I were all mesmerized by the blooms on this pear tree. In my next post I will show the pictures Eric took with the new point and shoot. My picture of the blooms is two pictures above.
Emily was determined to cross a stream. She kind of almost got to cross this one. Eric found a tree trunk that had fallen across the stream and was about to let her climb across it, when I decided that was not such a good idea. She would have most likely fallen in, and I didn't have a change of clothes for her. Sorry Em.
The next day we went to Bald River Falls - in the Cherokee National Forest. Paige could have cared less about the waterfall. She was way more interested in the nuts and rocks on the ground.
And pine cones.
My studly husband.
SPRING!!! Sorry. I get very excited about things blooming. And I was quite taken with these redbud trees. They were everywhere. Love them!!
Paigey was all about Aunt Lindsay.
And here are the falls. I should have taken a video. A picture really just doesn't capture it. So very pretty.
And speaking of pretty....
I'll post the rest tomorrow!