Paige saw the donut costume in the Pottery Barn Kids catalog. She loved it. She was fully focused on it. I was focused on the $50 price tag. Yeah, kid, not gonna happen. Unless, I could make it.... Lucky for her - my Mom is awesome with the sewing machine. And the $7 donut was born.
Emily was dead set on being a cheerleader this year. Sure, fine, no problem. Then her friend decided to be a tornado....and she changed her mind and decided to be a thunderstorm. With a working lightning bolt that lights up!! Thank you daddy! I'll have to take a video of that so you can see.
They got quite the haul - and are currently sleeping. All that running around in the freezing cold...can make you a little tired.
Best part of those costumes...they can be worn over a jacket. AWESOME!
We carved pumpkins last night....they could care less about the carving. It's all about the pumpkin goo:
Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween! I have more pictures, and more stories...but I am sleepy!