Last Thursday, my Mom came over to watch the girls while Eric and I went to Curriculum Night at Emily's school. She also helped out with dinner and had it all ready for when we returned. My Mom is a gem.
After dinner, she and the girls went outside. When they cam back in, they were girls with a plan...and a handful of leaves.
Grandma decided that they were going to paint the leaves and make imprints. Cool, huh? I think all the girls heard was PAINT and they went running inside. They could not get to the art cabinet fast enough.
So here they are, watching Grandma. And, I KNOW, all they were thinking was, "That's so cool! Now, when's my turn?".
See Paige? She being very patient. She's got her paint picked out and all ready.
And then it was her turn.
While Paige was having her turn, Emily wanted to have her turn as well. Of course, we could not find the other paint brush. We ransacked the art cabinet, the junk drawer in the kitchen, even the garage...nothing. Then I remembered that I had a paint brush, that was big enough, with all my scrapbook stuff. So then, Emily was in business.
Lucky girls. They had a blast.