Oh my goodness, I am becoming one of those once a week bloggers. Sorry about that. It must be that whole waking up at 6:30am thing, and by the end of the day, I am beat. No energy for blogging. As it is, right now, I am sleepy and may just doze off before the end of this post.
Enough rambling....here's some pics:

Today was the last full day of summer. The trees are already starting to show their fall colors. We have a couple leaves that have already fallen - so Emily thought it would be a good idea to make the very first leaf pile. It was so pathetic that she went off down the street to find more. This pile is the result. I guess she thought it was still pathetic because she abandoned it. Paige like it just fine.

Paige LOVES talking on the phone. She's not really into the whole conversation thing, but she will say "Yeah" to just about any question you ask of her.

Emily started swim class last Tuesday. It took a lot of convincing to get Paige OUT of her swimsuit. She thought she was going along with her sister to the pool. She settled for wearing goggles. Emily did just great in her class. I am hoping that she will finally pass level one. Fingers crossed....

Eric and I went to the Tigers game last Tuesday - my cousin and her husband invited us to go with them. We had a blast, but the Tigers lost quite badly. At least we had a streaker in the 7th inning.

Eric made this cabinet - it's going to hold all the recycling, cans and bottles as well as the small fridge. Paige likes to sit in it. She's going to be sad when the doors go on.

Swinging at Lowes.

Yes, I married this man.

And finally, the Chili cook off. It was Saturday. We had a blast....is that a good word to use with a chili cook off?
Anywho, the short story - because I am tired - is that I WON. Not fair you say....well, I made AWESOME chili and technically I didn't throw the party - Eric did. So, I think it's quite fair. :)

Oh, and my Mom came in second. We like to keep it in the family. :)

See ya next week...or sooner. :)