Monday, August 31, 2009
hey KID, could I please just get a little, teeny, tiny smile? HUH?
I took Paige outside on Saturday to snap a few photos. She was SO EXCITED about her new shirt. I had just picked up a few things for her from Carter's, and she refused to take this shirt off. Must be the stripey sleeves, and the stars.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
why i need to take a nap.....

Emily and Paige were invited to a Tea Party birthday on Tuesday. They needed to wear costumes. Emily wore her dance recital outfit, and Paige wore butterfly wings. They were adorable. So adorable, in fact, that I felt it absolutely necessary to whip out my good old Nikon and take a few pictures of them.
Guess who wasn't in the mood. Well, if you guessed all of us, you would be correct. Paige was not in the mood from the start. Surprise, surprise. Emily is only good for maybe one picture. Yet another shocker. And by the end I was in no mood to deal with either of them at all.
So we left for the Tea Party.
I was left with these......
(They needed to bring stuffed animals as well. Emily, of course, brought Paws. And, Paige stole my purple bear from me.)
At least they stick together, right?
Emily has a bad cough and fever. We have tickets to the ball game on Sunday. Hopefully she is recovered, and they rain stays at bay for the game. It's our last big hurrah of the summer....and Emily's first baseball game experience. I would like it to be a dry experience.

Have a good weekend!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
someone got a new bed.....

Yeah, we just don't do things the normal way in this house.
Luckily Paige is used to this.
Her first night - she slept like a champ. We'll have to see if that continues.
The rest of her new furniture is still in boxes. All her stuff that was in her dresser is in a plastic tub. Her bedding will probably be here next week. I have lots of re-arranging to do. I will post some more pictures when it's all done.
(and yes, we do have a side rail for the bed - it lives under the bed when not in use)
Friday, August 21, 2009
shaving cream fight
Today, Emily was invited across the street for a shaving cream fight with her friends.
You could say she had a bit of fun.

Thursday, August 20, 2009
this is why i love this state
I love Michigan. I do, I do, I do. I know that some people don't understand this - when they think Michigan, they automatically think - SNOW, COLD, WINDCHILL. And, yes, it's true, we do have those things. But we also have some outstanding weather in the spring, summer and fall. Even some beautiful days in the midst of all that winter cold.
To go along with all that wonderful weather, we have lots and lots of ways you can enjoy it. For example, the other night we went out to Erma's - our most favorite frozen custard stand - and enjoyed a most beautiful August evening. Warm, gentle breezes, sunshine, not a bit of humidity to be found. D.E.L.I.G.H.T.F.U.L. They also have this great field - the "kids" love to run around after finishing their dessert.

And yesterday we went to Stoney Creek Park.
And check out Stoney Creek. Which, by the way, had a few mosquitoes flying nearby.....Michigan isn't all roses and wonderfulness, it does have some drawbacks....I think I got at least ten bites while taking this picture.

And we found my new favorite beach. Coincidentally, this is now Emily and Paige's most favorite beach as well. They have a roped off area so that the swimmers don't get in the way of the paddleboats/canoes/kayaks. It's pretty shallow all the way out, so Emily feels pretty confident without her swim-vest. I had to practically drag her out of there.

And this one too. She wanted to run, flip, splash, laugh and play all day long. She was very successful in scaring me by running out towards the deeper water. Of course, I didn't wear my swim suit, so chasing her in water that was past my knees was not on my list of things I wanted to do. So, after a very long game of chase, I pulled her back to the beach to play with all things sand.

And she was OK with that too.

Definitely wearing my swimsuit next time.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Michigan Adventure - the mini-vacation that wasn't
Last Sunday we took a little mini-trip to the west coast of Michigan. Our objective was to go to Michigan Adventure - a amusement/water park, go to the beach, sand dunes, and go tubing. Well, the weather was not our friend. On our way there, we had to make a last minute change of plans and go to the amusement park that day instead of on Monday - the next day. The weather was forecasted to have a 60 percent chance of rain on Monday, and only a 30 percent chance on Sunday. So we took a gamble and went on Sunday.

So while our friends went on the Corkscrew coaster, Emily played the part of a nice big sister, and went on all the kiddie rides with Paige.
It was pretty humid when we got there. But the sun was out, and the clouds were at a minimum, so that was good. HOWEVER, within seconds of entering the park, I got stung by a bee. In my neck. And. It. Hurt. BAD. But, I got over it, not wanting to bring a black cloud on our trip.
While everyone was on the roller coaster - Zach's Zoomer - Paige and I went on the car ride. She LOVED it. She got to "drive" the car. We were not allowed to take pictures while on the ride, so I had to sneak this one in:

Here they are on the roller coaster - which, Emily did not like. My girl is not like her Mama. Not a thrill seeker at all.

So while our friends went on the Corkscrew coaster, Emily played the part of a nice big sister, and went on all the kiddie rides with Paige.
The boat ride. The poor ride operator - they have to listen to the kids clanging on that bell all day long. I would have a headache.

Then we all met up again, and did the bumper cars. Of course, who did the driving? Luckily, Emily was OK with that.

Emily decided to try being a thrill seeker, and went on the Pirate Ship ride - hated that. Which, by the way, is not my favorite either. She did the log flume ride - which she liked, until she had to go down the hill. And then, we talked her into going on the Mad Mouse ride. She was a little grumpy about it - see below picture. BUT, she LIKED it. Which is quite surprising, because I thought it was a bit scary myself. She was even willing to do it again.

After all of that, we went back to the car, tailgated for lunch, got in our swimsuits, and headed to the waterpark. I have no pictures of this - because, HELLO it was a WATERpark. A camera would not be a good idea. But I can tell you, we did the lazy river - Emily and Paige LOVED that, the wave pool - another hit with the girls, and the playzone - another hit. W would have done some water slides, but the lines were INSANE.
Then, the CLOUDS came. And so did the winds. So, we quickly changed back into our street clothes, and did some more rides.
Eric, Bob and the girls did the Carousel and the Ferris Wheel, while Ginger, Noah and I did the suspended roller coaster. The weather continued rolling in.
We decided to stand in line again for the Mad Mouse, and almost got to ride it. They closed it right when we got to the front of the line. Apparently, lightning was in the area. Oh well. We decided to high tail it out of there, before it started to pour.

The rest of the trip went like this: checked into hotel, quickly settled and went out to dinner, had mediocre food and horrible service, went back to hotel and went to bed, woke up to rain, lots of rain, check the radar and saw nothing but storms coming in, decided to go swimming at the hotel indoor pool and wait out the storm, swimming was not all the great because the pool was over-chlorinated, decided to go see G-Force at a local theater - Paige and I stayed back at the hotel, returned from movie with a sick Emily and a overheated minivan - not ours, our traveling companions, ate lunch, Eric and Bob got to auto parts store, Emily throws-up, room gets re-cleaned, Ginger and I beg hotel to let us check out today without paying for the whole night - they do, for a $20 late checkout fee, race up to the room to pack EVERYTHING in 20 minutes, leave the hotel, drive home, see blue skies and NO RAIN, wish we had just stuck with our original plan of going to the park on Monday, get home, collapse in bed at 9pm.
Oh well. We had fun. We have a story. And we all SURVIVED. Life is good.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
slurpies and the farm
The heat has finally arrived in Michigan. Which is just fine with me. I need to warm up. I need to store as much of it as I can to get me through the long, cold winter. But we do need to stay somewhat cool, and hydrated. Solution: Slurpies from Target. Or 7-11. Whatever is nearest. Target has this new flavor - lemonberry - total YUM. I got one for Emily, and one for Paige and I to share.
Last Saturday, we had our annual gathering at my Aunt Joan's farm. I look forward to this every summer. So do my kids. I barely see Emily the whole day. There are kids everywhere. Even a little one the same age as Paige. My Aunt also has a little beach at the top of her pond, and Emily is pretty much camped out there.
We played batball, of course, ate fried chicken, played a new game called Children of the Corn, had s'mores, played basketball, and all sorts of other things. We didn't want to leave. But we had to - we were leaving for Muskegon at 7am the next morning, and we hadn't yet packed.

I don't have any pictures of this year's batball game, because I was playing, and it's a bit hard to take pictures while batting and fielding. I can tell you that the boys kicked our butts this year. But I am going with the story that we allowed them to win because we don't want to damage their egos. :)

The Children of the Corn game was this: Matt went into the corn field with a megaphone and a pole that had an orange handkerchief tied to the top. The kids went in teams of two, into the corn field, and looked for him. The winners received a prize - gold dollar coins.
Of course, Matt being Matt, didn't yell out like he was supposed to, didn't stay in the corn field like he was supposed to, basically cheated in typical Matt fashion. Even Eric gave it a try. Of course, he attempted to play by the rules....By the end, they were all covered in corn pollen, and VERY itchy.
(and NO, Paige was not drinking that soda)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
this girl....
My Paige is now a full fledged two year old. She is talking up a storm, getting picky about food, throwing tantrums and really learning her spot in this family. AND, she is one of the cutest things ever. So cute, in fact, that even though she can be quite the handful at times, I find myself often wishing I could freeze these moments in our lives, and just live in them a little while longer.
But I can't, so I take lots of pictures, write things down, and try to remember to take time to enjoy all the little things - about BOTH my daughters. Because while Paige is being so dang adorable, Emily is becoming quite the little lady. She has opinions about EVERYTHING, desperately wants to be more and more grown up, and is pulling further away from me everyday. Although, I have noticed lately, she has been coming back to me a little bit more than she used to. The big world out there can be a little's nice to know, Mommy's arms are always open.
Since the language thing is the latest development milestone with Paige, I thought I would share a few Paigey gems:
wook at dis/dat: look at this/that
tawberry: strawberry
bangade: band aid
beeding: bleeding
(band aids and bleeding are very BIG right now - she is constantly telling me she has boo boos. I remember this phase with Emily. We just about bought out the Band Aid aisle at Target)
I wike it: I like it

sower: flower
sit sots: flip flops

ahnee: Emily
bazebawl game: baseball game
hawk: fork
momosikle: motorcycle (Paige is OBSESSED with motorcycles. Please let this be a phase)
bra kee: broccoli
whatcha doin' Mommy: her phrase of the week
I dough no: I don't know - another new phrase this week
There are LOTS more, but that's just the highlights.
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