On the car ride home from Ermas last night, Emily told us that she wanted to go to a desert. Of course, this opened up an opportunity to ask her questions in jest on what she knew about a desert. "Oh you mean, one with a pool?" we said. "No, Mommy, deserts don't have pools, just lots of sand."
"But it rains a lot there, right?" "No, Daddy, it's very dry there."
This line of questioning went on for quite a while. But my personal favorite was: "But you can eat all the sand, right?" "No, you can't eat the sand, it's OUTSIDE sand."
"OUTSIDE sand? Can you eat inside sand?" I asked her.
"Yes, only after you wash it, but I don't like it."
Okay - good tip.
Oh, back to the hummingbird. My Mom and I saw a hummingbird around my minature petunias a couple days ago, then he, or she, re-appeared the next day. We saw it again this morning, and quickly called Emily to see it - but this time there were two!! Suffice it to say, Emily could care less, she kept playing with the blinds so that we couldn't see it, so we sent her away. I tried to take a picture, but when I went outside, they were gone. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.
One more thing - beware of manhole covers. According to Emily, monsters live under them, and like to eat sandals. They don't starve during the winter - they eat the underground. Hopefully, it's inside dirt!!
Have a great Labor Day weekend. My dad and Natalie are coming to visit tomorrow, BBQ at the Marcikic's on Sunday, and who knows what we'll be into on Monday. And of course, BIG day on Tuesday - first day of school for Emily. Only one more year till she's my little Kindergartener. Can't believe it.